Monthly Archive: May 2015


Stanley park & Wreck Beach

While I’m still waiting for my van, my old bike is my ride, so I took it for a test today, 45km around the city. The seat is too short and uncomfortable and I can’t...


Day 01 – It is happening!

After 3 years of planning, researching and working hard, it is finally happening. What a mixture of feelings! While my mind is busy trying to get excited, my heart is pretty broken for saying good bye...


Last day at work

Shit is getting real! Today is my last day at work, and as a farewell gift I got a cool survival kit and a mean handcrafted leather badge, branded with a soldering iron by my buddy Yulie. Thank you...


GPS Navigation & Maps

GPS ready and loaded with maps. Alaska TOPO Canada TOPO North America City Navigator South America City Navigator Brazil City Navigator