Category: cuba


Good bye 2015, adios Cuba

Cuba has been so far the most mind blowing experience on this trip. No matter how much you research about cuba, nothing can prepare you for the visual impact you experience landing in Havana...


Bicitaxi Trinidad taxi taxi!

Im back in Trinidad with Jordi and Tiago, really like this place. The town is very busy and Mario, our previous holster,  couldn’t secure us a room as promised. But luckly we got another room...


Take us to Trinidad

Some locals told us it is quite easy to hitchhike in Cuba. You just have to wave a few notes on the side of the road and trucks and buses would stop and take...


Feliz Navidad

Olivia, Luis and their family celebrated Christmas a bit earlier, and they cooked an awesome dinner for us. Emerson also came up to Havana to catch a flight home and spent Christmas eve with...


Bienvenidos a Cuba señores

Jordi and Tiago arrived and now our team is complete. I want to make sure they will have the real Cuban experience so I organised a classic Cuban car to pick them up. Cuba lança...


Saved by Emmanuel

After spend the day in Varadaro, Albert and I got a bus back to Haabna and got dropped off in Habana Vieja just before 11pm. I tried to call Olivia a few times to...


Trinidad – Santa Clara

Albert and I planned to head back to Havana using the “Camiones” trucks used to transport people. It is the cheapest way to travel around Cuba. But also the most painful. Ebba from Sweden and...


Albert is effing nuts

Arriving in Trinidad I found out that Albert, one of my best buddies that I have known since I was probably 6 yeas old, decided to come to Cuba last week, bought his ticket...